Swimming Pools, Movie Stars
I might have moved to Los Angeles by accident. And seeing as how my life and this Texas-based business you know called Sublime Stitching have been tied to Austin for 11 years and counting, it seems like I can't just up and move to Los Angeles without telling you about it. But it happened bit by bit over time, and it took a while to decide if this was permanent. So, there has never really been a moment to say "Hey! Guess what!?" Plus, all your orders still ship from Austin so...this is now a Texi-Cali operation. Why am I here? Well...
♥ I wanted to be closer to the people I love ♥
(That's my mom and my 9-month old niece.)
In case you're wondering...
Nope! I am not from California. I'm from the midwest. Corn fields and hog farms as far as the eye could see.
Yes! Your orders still ship from Austin, Texas. I'm like Charlie with my angels in the Sublime Stitching Shipping Hut. Gmail chat is a wonderful thing.
Yes! I am going to be at Renegade L.A.
Yes! I am teaching workshops at Urban Craft Center
No! I will not abandon my humble pursuit of embroidery to pursue the lure of Hollywood...oh wait. >Tapping chin< Well...mmmaybe...