Hand Embroidery Tutorials

by Jenny Hart

Want to learn hand embroidery? Who has the time? You do. I know it sounds painstaking, time-consuming and intimidating. Whatever. This is a deceptively simple craft. Embroidery is easy, relaxing, and one of the least expensive hobbies you can take up. My instructions aren't quite the same as others, like my Fool-Proof French Knot. YOU CAN DO THIS. So, let's do this...



Basic Tools for Hand Embroidery:






Three Simple Stitches for Hand Embroidery:


More Stitches for Hand Embroidery:


 Jenny Hart Embroidery Workshops


Tricks & Techniques:

White Embroidery Patterns



No Mistakes Embroidered Handwriting

How-To: Dark Fabrics Part 1

How-To: Dark or Stretchy Fabrics Part 2