Judge Jenny

WHERE: Style Network (repeat airings on E!)
WHEN: THURS MAY 5th 8pm CST/ 9pm EST
(with heavy repeats following - episodes #106 & #110)
WHY: Jenny's a judge!
Surely you've heard of CCDM by now. Did you miss the huge New York Times article? So, they asked me to be a judge, and I was all like "Yeah, maybe. I'll just need a white limo, white embroidery floss, white fabrics and white cats for my dressing room." You know, just the bare essentials. Ooh, and I got to meet Eartha Kitt and Frank DeCaro! Not to mention just a few of the fabulous craft aficionados like Debbie Stoller and Jean Railla. I just hope I don't look too dorky on TV. Check out the moustache I went with. Bad look? Oh, and the Today Show will be featuring CCDM Thursday morning, 4/21.