Aragato Japan

I just returned from a week-long trip to Tokyo. Talk about sensory overload! Or should I say Suntory overload? Aaanyway... While I was there, I had the pleasure of finally meeting my internet friend Ayako who runs Shamrock Japan. Ayako and her husband Osamu offer original clothing, and include my designs on some of their garments as part of the Sublime Stitching Licensing Program. For years now, Ayako and I have emailed via clunky, online translators. She doesn't speak english, and I don't speak Japanese. But that can't stop the DIY love! They took me and my friend Stephanie out for the best sushi in Tokyo, found only in the Tsukigi (pronounced skee-gee) market. They brought along an english speaking friend, Akiyuki, who was extremely patient and kind in dealing with a table full of new friends trying desperately to communicate with each other. Well, everyone understands "Yum." Aragato gozai masu- and next time the BBQ's on me.