Bloggin' Around

Hello Sublime Stitching blog. I have been neglecting you lately. Why? Well, there's a whole lotta stuff going on. I'm working hard on new transfer designs for you like this anatomical heart! There will be four new theme sheets available soon, including a new artist series pack that I'm extra excited about. Ooh! I just wanna blab it all to you- but, that would spoil the surprise. Check out the previews on flickr that also include some notes on stitches used. I'm also hard at work on a new project book which will be out next year (these things take time, little stitcher), and that keeps me locked behind closed doors researching, writing, stitching and designing. And, yes it's true: I've been blogging elsewhere. But it's not what you think! These other blogs aren't like you. They're different. Check out my postings on Dinosaurs and Robots, Feeling Stitchy and bookmark my other blog: Embroidery as Art. That should hold you for a while.