Upcyclist Party Decor Contest

Everyone likes holiday parties, but who wants to waste resources on disposable decorations that will end up in landfills? bleh.
CRAFT wants to see your diy, upcycled, eco-friendly party decor and will reward one lucky winner with a brand new Singer "Curvy" sewing machine—annnd their project will be featured in a Singer ad appearing in CRAFT: 10!
The three runners-up will get a Singer rolling sewing machine case and a 1-year subscription to CRAFT!
Are you thinking what we're thinking? Embellish a boring lampshade, coasters, or tablecloth. Make those shabby cocktail napkins sparkling new with a touch of embroidery. Everything's upcycled with embroidery! Show 'em what you got.
You have until Friday, November, 14th, 2008 to submit your project to the flickr pool 'The Upcyclist Party Contest'. More info here.