Gettin' all Francy
I am going to get all Francy on you. It will be "bonjour" this and "très" that until you get annoyed with me (already annoyed? Too bad!). Alors! First things first: I am headed for Lille tomorrow (a city in the north of France) to attend Saturday night's opening of "Sur le Fil" ("On the Thread", but it's a play on words for "On the Wire" "On the Line" -you get it already) opening at Maison Folie de Wazemmes. This show is a group exhibit that includes work by Orly Cogan, Mark Newport and Sandrine Pelletier. The exhibit will travel to museums throughout France for the next year. I am très, très excited! For more info visit my uther website for exhibition info. Special thanks to my friend Françoise of Poodle Wah-Wah and Barnabé Mons for their support and hospitality! Wish you could be there- I'd love to see your beautiful, smiling face. Watch this space! There is a second exhibit opening in Paris next week that I'm in, too! Hoh la-la!
And while we're on the subject, in case you hadn't noticed, I have another blog that I keep up called Embroidery As Art. You might like it.