Book tour: Bazaar Bizarre SF & HomeEc LA

I am so on the go I am typing this blog entry post from an airport. I am headed to Bazaar Bizarre San Francisco where I will be doing book signings for Embroidered Effects and *free embroidery workshops* in the Chronicle Books booth! Come say hello to me. I'd like that.
Bazaar Bizarre San Francisco
Sat / Sun Dec 12th & 13th 2009 12pm-6pm
SF County Fair Building Golden Gate Park
$2 adults / 12 & under FREE
50% of admission goes to charity
@ Chronicle Books Booth #32
Sat / Sun : 1-2 book signings, 2-3 workshops (limited seating)
Then, I scoot on out of there and head down to HomeEc in LA!

The Thursday night workshop is long sold-out, but nothing stops you from coming to the Embroidered Effects Book Release Par-tay Wednesday December 16th 7-9pm! And, mmmaybe I can be persuaded to give you some embroidery tips then, too. If you're nice to me. Oooh! I'm excited about the party at Jenny Ryan's HomeEc! Squeeee! Ahem.