Floral Fantasy PDF!

SOLD OUT! But read on little stitchers...
If you are smart and get my newsletter, you know that last week I announced the Floral Fantasy tote bags were about to go out of stock. Forever. The way of the dodo. Never to return. I called them "Limited Edition" and I meant it! And there was much wringing of hands and wails of "but, I NEEDED one for Aunt Bobsy's birthday!" after the last one sold (and they went fast). Those pleas got me in the guts, they really did. Sometimes it's difficult to be me. I don't really like to take things away from you, so....now you can get the Floral Fantasy design as a PDF! You only need to be logged in or register with my site to have access to PDFs. Enjoy!
Floral Fantasy PDF (available to registered users)
Oh- and, one little note: all PDF sheets are $3 (for now!) and larger-format designs like this one will be $5. Reasonable enough?