Left-Handed Stitching
I just got a very nice email from Yvette Stanton all the way down under in Sydney, Australia, letting me know about her new book, The Left-Handed Embroiderer's Companion: A Step-by-Step Stitch Dictionary. But, if everything is backwards in Australia (water drains the other way, cars on the other side of the road), are these then backwards to left-handed and back to right again? I tease! I tease. I know plenty of left-handed stitchers who are going to clasp their hands with joy over this new book. I have my own attempts at Stitches For Lefties here on the site, but I just tackled some basics, so I'm sure Yvette's dictionary will go the extra mile. There is also an OOP book, called A Primer of Left-Handed Embroidery by Carole Robbins Myers if you really want to build your left-handed library. Congratulations, Yvette!