This Weekend's Events

Now, I realize it's only Tuesday and I'm already talking about the weekend. And my last blog entry was before last weekend, so what the heck am I doing around here all day? As much as I'd like to tell you, it wouldn't make a very insteresting blog entry (hint: it has a lot to do with bills, paperwork, web maintenance and inventory so I'll spare you). And, because I can't actually be at every wonderful craft event going on all over this great, crafting country of ours (I was trying there for a while, I really was), instead we sponsor as many as possible. That way, if we can't be there in person, Sublime Stitching is there in spirit (as door-prizes, raffle items and giveaways). This weekend is Slug Magazine's Craft Lake City! I can't go (I'll be in Seattle speaking at CCE), so you simply must. I'll feel better knowing you're there. (Check the Sublime Stitching Calendar for all upcoming events and sponsorhips.)