Bake It Pretty Give Away!

Spring has sprung and give-aways are sprouting like cray-zay! Right now, Sublime Stitching (that's me) and Bake It Pretty (one of my most favorite baker-preneurs) have simultaneous give-aways for each other going on. Here's what they've so generously given us to give to you:
> > > WIN - Bake It Pretty $50 Gift Certificate < < <
How to Enter: visit then come back here and comment below
telling me your favorite novelty topper! What would you top with it?
(all comments appear after approval, so don't panic if your comment doesn't instantly show up)
Deadline: Comment before Thursday, March 24th at 11:00 pm CST.
A random winner will be picked on Friday, March 25th and announced here!
(it pains me not to be able to pick you all! it really does!)
And, you could also WIN - Sublime Stitching Krazy Kitchen Patterns & Apron on Bake It Pretty
GOOD x - x - x LUCK x - x - x STITCHERS