Sew Much Love

Wow! I'm blushing all the way to Londontown. Talk about a nice spread! There's a whole section devoted entirely to Sublime Stitching in the most recent issue of Sew Mag UK. Now, that's some love, particularly from a sewing magazine. They've featured Epic Alphabet Patterns, Forest Friends Patterns, my heavy-duty Tracing Paper, the Gold Dragon scissors, and this floss. Oi! Stop squinting at the screen. Here are the 5 Top Tips for Beginners I gave them:
1. Don't worry about getting it perfect from the start. Whoever gets it right the first time? (Not me.)
2. Find a patient friend who can show you in person. It's the best (and nicest) way to learn.
3. Start with a simple design and work it in just one stitch (back or split) and just one color (like red). Simple is stunning.
4. Don't make a t-shirt or jeans your first project! These are the most difficult fabrics to work on.
5. Keep your fabric taut on your hoop as you work. Loose fabric makes messy stitches (unless you're working in the sewing technique).
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