Sublime Stitching Retailers
Save on shipping and support your local shops! Wonder if you can saunter down to your local shop and buy Sublime Stitching patterns, kits and whatnot? Wonder no more! There are now links to googlemaps of all stores that carry Sublime Stitching stuff! Calling ahead to see what they have in stock is probably a good idea, but I'm sure they'd love to see your smiling face no matter what.
The listings are just those independent retailers that order directly from us (not every place that carries my books or orders from a distributor). If you know of a store that carries Sublime Stitching, but isn't listed on our maps, please let us know and we'll gladly add them. And, if there's a local shop that you think would be just perfect for us, for you and for them, there's also a link to suggest a store!
Do I have a store?'re in it. Maybe one day I'll have something you can visit, but until then, you can only get everything I make and sell right here on my website. (And, I stay open 24/7!) xo