Bright Idea: Pink & Black Bow Top

Here's a quick project idea that's super easy and very sweet. Take a basic, boat-necked top, add the bow from Ryan Berkley's PDF patterns (the bow isn't on the iron-on sheet, it come in the "extras" with the pdf) add buttons from Craftopia, outline the neck and the cuffs in a simple running stitch and you have a top that is totally adorbs. Squee!
x - x - x - x
You'll need:
Ryan Berkley PDF
Craftopia (for the button pattern)
Or, if you already have Transfer Tools handy, you can whip up your own bow and buttons!
Wondering how to get a design onto dark fabric?
I worked this with six strands of floss in a back stitch, running stitch (aka hidden stitch), and French knots for the button holes.
You can do it. I know you can.
x - x - x - x
Does it look like this photo was taken in a TV studio? It was! This is one of several tops I stitched up for my upcoming appearance on Sew It All TV. I'll post more pics from the set soon. Promise.