Maker Faire & BurdaStyle!

I will be at the Bay Area Maker Faire! This is a two-day event, but I will only be there on Sunday. What will I be doing, you ask?
Crafting Your Online Presence - Sunday Noon - 1pm
I will be speaking on this panel that includes Garth Williams, Cathe Holden, Moxie, Alice Merino and Drew Emborsky. Then I will hustle my bustle on over to...
BurdaStyle Make + Take Lounge - Embroider With Me! - Sunday 1 - 3pm
Sublime Stitching and BurdaStyle have teamed up again and I will be hanging out in their Make + Take lounge, embroidering. I will have lots of supplies on hand, so you can join in at any time. Please come by and say hi! Leave with something embroidered and new handskills.
Full information about the entire weekend's events can be found on the Maker Faire website.
Oh yeah! I have a pair of one-day passes to give away! Who wants them? (I'm giving them away together, not separately. You know- so you can take a friend!) Compliments of the kind folks at BurdaStyle.
Midnight CST Sunday May 15th
Just do one of these things:
1) Comment to this blog post (all comments are moderated so don't panic if your comment doesn't show instantly)
2) Tweet "Jenny I wanna embroider with you at Maker Faire!" to @sublimestitchin
3) Post a comment on Facebook here!
I'll see you there...