Meet Courtney (and Savannah)!

It's high time you met Courtney. Please say hi to her, won't you? (O HAI, COURT-NAY!!!) Okay, okay. Courtney has been my right-hand gal here at Sublime Stitching for almost two years. And let me be the first to say: she rocks. She does everything I can't do by myself, and honestly -the list would be too long for this blog post. She helps me manage the business operations of Sublime Stitching, and I couldn't run this show without her. She is the hardest-working person I've been lucky enough to have around. Big, big props to Courtney. She's worked tirelessly through the most difficult growth stages and changes of my wee little company. For that, I am extremely grateful.
So- she's in Austin, and I'm in Los Angeles (we use online chat while working), and she mentions that she's got to finish up her giant, mosaic lady in time for her art show. "What art show?" I ask. "Mosaic work? Whuh? Do tell!"

Turns out, in addition to raising two hilarious and beeyootiful little girls (hi Lili and Bella!), kicking butt for me at Sublime Stitching and running her own independent business -she's been doing mosaic work and is included in her first art show in Austin! We are proud of her.

The show is "Facets and Fragments" and it's on display at the Hideout Coffeehouse and Theatre in downtown Austin, Texas. It includes works by students of Austin-based mosaic artist Dianne Sonnenberg.
To make her piece, Courtney paper-machéd a 4-foot tall wire frame, poured concrete to make a base, sewed her first skirt, starched it into place, worked with colored grout for the first time (in 106-degree Texas heat) and put her daughter Bella's belt on it for a finishing touch. The dress is based on the work of Austin-based designer Ansley (aka Savannah Red), who creates awesome, vintage-inspired dresses for full figured, curvy ladies. Courtney: congratulations on your first epic work.
(Courtney says she wants to try one of my patterns as the basis for a mosaic next time. I think that is an excellent idea. And, did I mention that she embroiders, too?)
It's on display until October 30th, so if you're in Austin, go grab a coffee and admire Courtney's "Savannah"!