Meet the S'mores

Okay, hold everything. Are you kidding me? How cute is this family? How cool is it that dad is wearing a Weezer hat? (At first glance, I thought it was a Wonder Woman hat which admittedly, would be even cooler.) Now, I don't generally use blog posts for re-printing gushy emails of delight. (Instead I just read them ten times over to myself and then forward them on to my mom.) But when Amanda Anderson wrote in with this family photo and their multiple projects (thus, totally making my day) I couldn't keep this one from you:
I had often suspected that embroidery was very cool, and therefore, I was as well. But when I found your camping-themed embroidery pattern in a little craft shop in Solvang, California, I was certain.
I have a husband and two children and my eldest daughter nicknamed us "The Four S'mores" for our family camping trip last year. This summer, using your kit, I embroidered shirts for three of us, along with our code names (Marshmallow, Fire and Graham Cracker). My husband even based a painting on your campfire design, and made a sign for us to carry wherever we go camping. Thanks for the inspiration!
Hey Andersons! Thank YOU. xo