Funnin' With Scissors
Yoiks. I plum fergot to blog about the new scissors! Oh sure, I blabbed about them on Twitter, Facebook, and the Newsletter...but in case you're someone who oooonly gets your Sublime Stitching updates from reading my blog, then hey -there are new scissors!
Let's have a little fun with them...
How about putting the black scissors with the burgundy sheath? Oooh! Or how about...
Black and pink! Love. One of my favorite combos (and I know I'm not the only one). See? If you have extra sheaths, you can swap out the colors to suit your stitchy fancy. Kind of like changing a dress on Barbie, admiring it a bit, then taking it off, trying a new one, admiring that for two seconds...and repeating ad nauseum. You know I am making a apt analogy, so don't roll your eyes at me.
But, here's another idea for the scissors that I never even considered. A customer decided that...
Silver scissors + Gold Tassel = Bridesmaid Gifts! I have to agree: the colors are pretty right on for the occasion. (We wondered who really needed 6 pairs of scissors and tassels.) Of course! A blushing bride!
What is your favorite color combination? Hmmmm?